Dean’s Certifications

*The Dean of Students office does not complete Dean’s Certifications or disciplinary record requests*

Dean’s Certifications, also known as disciplinary history requests, are completed by the Office of Student Conduct. You can submit your request online (preferred), by email, or by mail (see the following instructions).

By Email: [email protected]

By Mail: Please complete the personal information section on the certification form sent by the institution you’re applying to, and enclose an addressed stamped envelope so we can mail the completed form back to you or to the admitting institution. Send your request for Dean’s Certification to:

Office of Student Conduct
Dean’s Certification
Suite 2105
Student Academics Services Bldg.
Campus Box 5100, 450 Ridge Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5100

The turn around time on Dean’s Certifications is approximately 7 to 10 business days.

For more information or questions regarding Dean’s Certifications, please contact the Office of Student Conduct.