Attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a major achievement for your student. Whether a first-year undergraduate or a seasoned graduate/professional student, college is a time of transition and personal and academic development. The Dean of Students office exists to support students achieve their full potential during their time at Carolina. We invite you to review the various sections of our website to learn more about the services provided by our office. Although we are accustomed to doing a little bit of everything, we frequently assist students with the following situations:
- extended absences because of illness, injury, or family emergency
- critical incidents (e.g., accidents, safety issues, interpersonal violence)
- general student distress regarding transition issues, non-academic matters, roommate conflicts
- health or safety concerns involving alcohol or other impairing substances
We look forward to partnering with parents and family members in supporting our students. We welcome you to Contact Us if we can assist you or your student at any time. Even when we don’t have the answer, we can work with you and your student to make sure they receive the help that they need.
In addition to our website, there are a number of resources maintained by our campus partners that can provide valuable information for the parents and families of our students, including the following:
New Student and Family Programs offers information about family events in Chapel Hill, how to get involved in the life of the campus, and lots of other resources for parents.
Campus Health offers an array of services aimed at helping students with their health and well-being.
Student Affairs represents a collection of offices and services designed to enhance students’ experiences at Carolina. Ranging from Campus Recreation to Fraternity & Sorority Life to the Carolina Union and many more, Student Affairs sponsors many programs and initiatives to help students succeed at Carolina.
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office addresses discrimination and harassment, including sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking.