We are pleased to share with you the progress that has been made regarding implementation of the updated Class Attendance Policy.
The University Approved Absence Office (UAAO) has been established within the Dean of Students (DOS) office, and will lead the on-going effort to fully implement and provide clarity on the Policy. Students who have absences that fall under the Class Attendance Policy should submit their request via the online form at uaao.unc.edu. As a reminder, the Class Attendance Policy only applies to University Approved Absences, and instructors will work with students in meeting attendance needs that are not considered University Approved Absences.
While the UAAO has been established, you may still receive communication from the approving offices named in the policy, including DOS, EOC, as well as the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes regarding NCAA sport participation.
For more information about the Class Attendance Policy and/or the University Approved Absence Office, including the link to make a request for a University Approved Absence, FAQs, resources, and expectations, please go to: uaao.unc.edu. General questions can be emailed to [email protected].
Absences During Final Exams
The University Approved Absence Office and Dean of Students office DO NOT issue University Approved Absences for final exams. DO NOT SUBMIT AN ONLINE REQUEST FOR UNIVERSITY APPROVED ABSENCES FOR FINAL EXAMS.
If you will miss a final exam due to a medical or mental health concern, family or personal emergency, religious observance, or exam schedule conflict, please follow the instructions below and communicate directly with your instructor to schedule a make-up.
To change an exam date due to a medical or mental health concern:
Visit a CHS or CAPS provider to be considered for the “Excused Examination List” OR visit a non-CHS or CAPS provider and fax documentation of your visit to CHS Health Information (919-966-0616). Follow next steps given by CHS or CAPS. ***For more detailed information, see https://caps.unc.edu/academic-interventions/final-exam-excuse-request/.
- Mental Health: Counseling and Psychological Services
- Hours: Monday – Friday 8AM–5PM
- Phone: (919) 966-3658
- Illness or Injury (including COVID/Concussions): Campus Health
- Hours: Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM
- Phone: (919) 966-2281
To change an exam date due to personal EMergency, family emergency, or Religious Observance :
Contact and meet with an Academic Dean in your department/college as soon as possible.
To change an exam date due to three or more exams within 24 hours, or two exams at the same time:
Contact an Academic Advising staff member in your department/college as soon as possible.