Basic Needs

Basic needs refers to the essential goods, utilities, services, or resources required on a regular basis that are needed to achieve and maintain physical and mental well-being. At the core, these include food security, housing security, and financial stability. We believe that this is a holistic approach and may include health/medical care, technology, mental health resources, and other needs. To address the needs of the Carolina Community, the Basic Needs Task Force was charged with developing a university-wide initiative to help with these needs.

The Basic Needs Task Force is made up of several campus partners whose priority is to create a Tar Heels Basic Need Center that can provide both short-term and long-term resources to meet the Basic Needs for the Carolina Community. The Tar Heels Basic Needs Center would temporarily serve as a virtual hub that provides and connects students to essential needs that impact belonging, well-being, and overall health. The task force is committed to providing access and addressing barriers that might exist for the UNC Community to be able to meet their basic needs. This includes both short-term emergency situations and long-term support.

All Carolina Community members including undergraduate, graduate, international and undocumented students are eligible for Basic Needs resources and services.

If you or someone you know could benefit from connecting with our office for basic needs assistance, please fill out a care referral form and someone from the Dean of Students office will be in touch.