Harassment and Violence Resources

Resources for incidents of Sexual and Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault or Sexual Violence, Interpersonal (Relationship Violence, and Stalking

Please see this guide for confidential and private resources related to sexual and gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence, interpersonal (relationship) violence, and stalking. You can also visit the Safe at UNC website for additional resources.

If you are a faculty or staff member sharing these resources with a student, please note you may have a responsibility to share certain incidents of harassment or violence with the University’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office.

Contact Law Enforcement

If it’s an emergency, call 911 for protection and to initiate a criminal investigation. If you call 911 on campus, UNC Police will respond. For non-emergency situations, call local law enforcement or the UNC Police non-emergency number and ask to speak with an investigator. UNC Police will inform the necessary University staff of the incident.

Seek Confidential Medical Attention

If you have experienced physical or sexual violence, go to Campus Health Services or the Emergency Department at UNC Hospitals for evidence collection, treatment of injuries, and medication for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy prevention. Forensic exams can be obtained for up to 5 days after an assault. Financial assistance may be available through the Survivor’s Assistance Fund.

Report the Incident to the University

Reporting to the University provides you with the option of addressing the incident under the University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct. It also allows the University to provide any available interim protective measures such as academic accommodations, changes to housing, and changes to class and work schedules.

Regardless of when the incident occurred, you’re encouraged to report to one of these options:

  • the Student Complaint/Deputy Title IX Coordinator,
  • Title IX Compliance Coordinator,
  • Office of the Dean of Students,
  • or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office.

Call or email and ask them to report an incident.

Seek Confidential Support

Confidential emotional and psychological support can be obtained at any time. The ComPsych Employee Assistance Program, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Gender Violence Services Coordinator, and University Ombuds Office are resources provided by UNC-Chapel Hill. The Orange County Rape Crisis Center and Compass Center for Women and Families are resources in the community.

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