Help for Students in Crisis and Students with Concerning Behavior
Student in Crisis
A person whose conduct is markedly bizarre, disruptive, or dangerous; makes verbal or physical threats, which may include active threats of suicide.
Student of Concern
A person who appears confused, very sad, highly anxious, irritable, lacks motivation and/or concentration, may be thinking about suicide.
Is the Student a Potential Harm to Self or Others?
YES: Call 911 or UNC Police 919.962.8100
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students office (DOS) is a Student Affairs unit whose mission is to provide support and assistance to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) community focused on empowering students to succeed in navigating the University environment. Our four pillars—Care, Collaborate, Celebrate, and Empower—guide our approach and everyday work. In alignment with this mission, UNC-Chapel Hill Student Affairs and DOS established the Student Care Team.
The Dean of Students office is identified as an initial point of contact for the communication of information and/or direct referral of students exhibiting behaviors of concern. The Student Care Team (SCT or Care Team) is a multi-disciplinary team coordinated by DOS. Reported concerns will be triaged to determine if the identified behavior or concern should be addressed through the Care Team, the UNC-Chapel Hill Emergency Evaluation and Action Committee (EEAC), DOS, or other appropriate referral.
The Care Team will not address emergency situations that pose an imminent threat to campus or individual health/safety concerns that are in progress. The UNC Department of Public Safety should be contacted for any emergency or immediate health and safety concern.
Care Team
The UNC-Chapel Hill Care Team provides coordinated assistance and support to students exhibiting concerning behaviors (also known as students of concern) through a centralized structure and method for outreach, referrals, and case management. The Care Team uses discretion in communicating and collaborating with other University offices and/or community resources to collect available and pertinent information to assist in the identification of appropriate interventions and/or strategies, also known as care action plans, to address the concern(s) and ultimately support student academic and personal success and wellness. One or more individuals or departments represented on the Care Team may implement these action plans.
For the purposes of the Care Team, concerning behaviors may include, but are not limited to: threats of self-harm, emotional or physical outbursts, extreme or sudden changes in mood or behavior, traumatic experiences (including sexual assault, surviving a crime, losing a friend or family member), excessive or uncharacteristic decline in coursework and course attendance, excessive alcohol or other drug usage, difficulty with adjustment to campus life, etc. These behaviors may occur on- or off-campus. Students, faculty, staff, visitors, family and/or other community members, may identify and report students of concern. The Dean of Students office will document all cases.
Emergency Evaluation and Action Committee (EEAC)
Emergency Evaluation and Action Committee cases typically have the potential to impact the broader UNC-Chapel Hill campus community. The Care Team and EEAC are separate entities, but may have some overlapping interest in supporting students. In appropriate cases, information reviewed by the DOS Care Team will be forwarded to the EEAC. Conversely, cases reported to the UNC-Chapel Hill EEAC may be Referred to the Care Team.